About yogAI

Hey there! Welcome to yogAI, developed in 2020 by Cristina Maillo.

I created yogAI inspired by various Machine Learning models for visual recognition I experimented with during my internship. This is my first Machine Learning model and my first attempt at Web Development. I have loved (almost) every second of this project and I have learnt more than I could have imagined.
YogAI uses Pose.Net, developed by Google’s TensorFlow, and ml5.js, a JavaScript library for Machine Learning on the browser. Most of my learning was following The Coding Train’s YouTube playlist on Pose Estimation.

I'd like to thank my brother, my parents, Dan, and the incredible team I have had the pleasure of working with this past year. Thank you for the constant support & encouragement.

If you have enjoyed this project please consider donating to GirlsWhoCode, to support girls following computer science careers in the future!
